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Ratepayers Association

About us

The Deneysville Ratepayers Association (DRA) is an organisation that was initiated to address the issues affecting the town.

The committee of the Deneysville Ratepayers Association (DRA) comprises a group of dedicated volunteers, many of whom are long term residents with a wealth of knowledge of Deneysville and its history.

Capitalizing on this, their overall objective is to raise consciousness of the vibrant community living on the banks of the beautiful Vaal Dam, sporting four yacht clubs, home to the ‘Around the Island Yacht Race’ – the largest inland yacht race in the world.

We believe that our primary activities (planning, infrastructure, service and communication with the municipality) will have a direct long term impact on our quality of living.

Through the execution and achievement of all our goals, our main aim in the long run is in the interest of all residents in Deneysville!


Be active and involved in your own community by signing up as a member.


It is “YOUR VOICE … YOUR CHOICE” - your choice to let your voice be heard.


•    To ensure that the Local Government Structures responsible for the administration of Deneysville, function efficiently and effectively in the interests of Deneysville and its residents.
•    To stimulate public interest in Local Government and community affairs and to create pride of citizenship.
•    To advance and safeguard the interest of Deneysville and its residents generally and to preserve and promote its traditions, values, ethics and ideals.
•    To maintain and, where necessary, improve service and aesthetic standards.
•    To discuss and deal with any subject of public interest with the Association maintaining a non-party political and neutral religious position.
•    To co-operate with any other organisation having similar objectives.

 DRA will address most issues that have an impact on our environment and on any number of diverse issues. In most cases we will lobby the Council, through our local council structures and representatives, Metsimaholo officials - directly or by way of comment or objection, on subjects that concern us as and when these are brought to our attention. Associations  may fill the gaps in delivery themselves where it is felt there is a need (example: environmental action groups etc.).
By definition ‘that which impacts communities’, the Association can at any time be called upon, or through it’s own volition engage on a myriad of subjects, and at various levels, be it by way of complaint, comment or pro-active engagement:

•    Zoning Scheme (heights, densities, bulk coverage, location, property uses e.g. B&B, Home Schooling, Crèche, home business, shebeen, gambling, place of entertainment , etc.)
•    Governance and decision-making over the built environment (building plans, development, urban sprawl, infrastructure support, etc.)
•    Spatial Development Frameworks – Local, Provincial (where and what)
•    Densification Policy (compliance with acceptable densities)
•    Rates (the amount the municipality can charge and the returns received for this payment)
•    Bulk Infrastructure (roads, potable water, electricity, sewage)
•    Traffic – (intersections, traffic calming, stop streets, law enforcement, etc.)
•    Social Infrastructure (schools, sports facilities, shops, entertainment, etc.)
•    Support Infrastructure (communications, police, emergency services)
•    Air quality
•    Water (Quality of potable water and continued security of supply)
•    Aesthetics (built and natural)
•    Heritage (Nature, Cultural, Landscape)
•    Noise
•    Signage
•    Vagrants
•    Tourism
•    Public Open Space (POS)
•    Agricultural Areas (Protection of, promotion of food security, conflicts with urban activities)
•    Industry (Heavy and Light)
•    Commerce
•    Environment (protection of dam, river, biodiversity, flora and fauna, unique natural surroundings, global warming, etc.)
•    Transport – infrastructure